As you are trying to construct a healthy and strong relationship with the loved one, what you do not say could be just as important as what you do. There are few things the loved one must never say to you (and vice versa) as the wrong words said in anger could really end up damaging a relationship. That’s why we were here to support you when the loved one crosses the line. If you feel like your loved one does not really care about you, it could make you feel insecure about the strength of the relationship over time. Even during moments of anger or frustration, your loved one must not make you feel like they do not care anymore.
This is all your fault.
Your loved one must not make you believe you have to blame for everything. Relationships are a two-way street; nothing is ever only your side’s mistake, and your soulmate is out of line if they try to place all the responsibility on their shoulders. Sure, you would make errors sometimes, but so would they, and both of you are equally responsible to maintain the relationship in the hunger term.
I do not have time for this.
In healthy relationships, both loved ones should listen to one another. Shrugged you off by saying, I don’t have time for this, won’t support the soulmate, understand your requirements and might make you feel alone and unsupported. In fact, if your loved one claims they do not have time to listen to their concerns, it might feel like they just do not have time for the relationship with you.

What’s wrong with you?
Dull comments could falsely affect self-confidence. Watching out for cruel remarks like You could not do anything right or Why do you always mess stuff up? By doubting the capabilities, your soulmate might be trying to undermine the confidence and make you feel bad about yourself. Remember: you deserve to feel supported by the loved one, not more insecure when you are around them.
What do you actually do all day?
Your career was not an excuse for the loved one to undervalue you. Whether you were in your profession, an artist, or a homemaker is valid—so watch out for the dull remarks like Get in a real job. It is not the soulmate responsibility to question career choices, and if you are happy with the career path or job, they do not get to make you feel rough about it.
I checked as you had not completed the task yet.
Too many complaints could flood a relationship with a negative zone. Does it ever feel like your soulmate has a lot of false stuff to say but nothing positive to add to the conversation? Having a valid concern or complaint is alright, but a healthy relationship must still have much more positive moments than false ones. If your loved one is continually complaining, it could take a toll on a relationship.

You were overreacting.
Continually bringing up past errors only develops hurt and resentment. Does your soulmate keep finding manners to remind you of arguments or old mistakes? All that really does is rubbing your face in all of your older regrets and, ultimately, hurt your emotions. It’s definitely not a great manner for the loved one to get what they need or resolve a present issue.
Remember what occurred last time?
Criticism is not good manners for the partner to resolve issues. Whether you were truly acting overly clingy or the behavior is pretty normal, statements like, You’re too needy are a bad manner for the loved one to express themselves. If they have an issue, they want to talk it out with you—not attacking you with important remarks.
Stop being so needy.
A soulmate saying I told you so could make you feel inferior or foolish. Being right could sometimes feel pretty satisfying, but rubbing it in is a petty manner. Statements like “I told you so” signify that your loved one is more focused on being right than solving issues or covering you.
I told you so.
Calling you a liar signifies a lack of faith in the relationship. Does your partner say stuff like I do not believe you or You are a liar? Trust is integral to any kind of relationship; it’s tough to construct a best partnership without it. Trust problems could drive a jam between you—and even if the soul mate really suspects you were not telling the truth, critical statements were not the manner to express that.
You’re lying.
Loving partners always care for one another’s requirements, even in a conflict. If you feel like your soulmate doesn’t really care about you, it could make you feel insecure about the strength of the relationship over time. Even during moments of anger or frustration, your loved one must not make you feel like they do not care anymore.