Let’s face it, we all wanted to be the style icons. The fashion world is joyful and exciting, and although it could be frightening for the newbie, it’s a world we all wanted to be a slice of. Developing your own sense of style might seem tough, but with the tiny guidance, it’s not as tough as it might seem.
Having Confidence
Show your personality and attitude. Dress with style is about more than the clothing timeline; it is more about how you carried yourself. If you carried yourself with confidence, your fashion statement would be heard louder and clearer. If you were uncomfy in what you were wearing, it would show. After all, confidence is the good accessory one could wear.
Create the trademark. You could generate the memorable trademark by accentuating the chunks of the body or personality traits that you loved about yourself. We all need to be remembered by something good, and developing the personal trademark is a good way to define yourself.

• For example, if you were outgoing and quirky, make unique and bright jewelry the trademark.
• If you like the naturally beautiful tan skin and dark hair, accentuating these features by making the trademark a deepened pinkish lip color.
Embrace and define the personal style. Your choice of clothing is the reflection of who you are, including what you are interested in, the inspirations, and the aspirations. The more connected you are to the personal style, the more confident you would appear. Incorporate the favorite music, hobbies, and goals would support you truly connect with the style.
• Say you were interested in metallic bands. Incorporating the favorite band t-shirts into the wardrobe. Dressed up the metal tee with the favorite heels and jeans for the stylish look that’s completely you.
• If you aspired to be the corporate CEO, dressing the part! Incorporating sleek dresses or power suits into the weekly wardrobe. Dress to the aims would bring out the inner confidence.

Observing and Imitating
Observe others to explore inspiration. Fashion is all around you, so looking at how other people dress. Study what clothing they were wearing, what colors they mixed up, what shoes they paired with which accessories. When you check out the dress that you love, figure out why you love it.
Imitating dresses that you really love. After all, Emulation is the biggest form of flattery! Yes, creating a unique sense of style is significant, but if you were a full on beginner, imitating others could be extremely supportful. Discover the outfit you copy as you love it, then keep the chunks of the dress that are working for you, and change the aspects of the outfit that does not.